Kiental - The Tuba pillar looked good from the front until ...... "you want to climb THAT?"
Day 2
Kiental - Elvis; I did not finish the top roof but then did do better with a flash of the RH start to Cabron.
This is a view of Kiental from the approach 'road'. The right hand line of continuous ice is In der wurze.... and the line to the left of that is Edel and Stark.
Pete or! Stu on Namenlos (no. 14) Photo Dennis Van Hoek
Dennis on 'No bolt no way'
Day 3
Kiental - In der wurze liegt die kurze (number 20 in the guide 'Hot ice cold rock')
Day 4
loaaaaads of snow
Day 5
Buy a shovel. Dig out Swiss. Climb Edel and Stark.
Day 6
Kiental - Back to the roots.
A brilliant little route culminating with some fine loam and a few roots (and that was just in my pants) OS. Photo Ramon Marin
Lucky Day 7
Oeschinensee - Kraftort and Kraftwerk
Photo Ramon Marin
Thanks to Markus for sharing some local beta with us.
Day 8
Back to the beginning: Oeschinenwald - Grimm/Haizafine
Good climbing with the unusual luxury of nice hooks. Photo Ramon Marin
The team (snowed in for day 9)
and thats the view from the SECOND floor window
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