This is my last few days in France as i'm returning to the UK to see what is in store for the next few months (hopefully lots of trad and maybe some work). After three and half months practically full time climbing it's going to be interesting going back to a more conventional lifestyle.
Font has been awesome, it was a good decision to drop in on the way home, but when I look at my tally of climbs from 6 weeks bouldering it amounts to what a lot of climbers would do in a week(end). Luckily I didn't have any expectations of how i would climb and have ticked some brilliant problems, a couple of 8's would have been nice though! (probably never going to happen). There seems to be lots of strong climbers in the forest and I saw a serious attempt on Partage, Cochinelle ticked and various laps of Carnage - Berenzina links.
Everyone who visited from the UK was quickly ticking 7a's (even Pete who had been training by sewing the interior of his van!). Conditions have been a bit special this year, tons of ice in the alps then basically all of March was cool and dry in Font. Lucky.
One of the many brilliant things about Font is the huge amount of rock, there are so many good problems as only the best lines have been cleaned and there is a lifetimes supply of new problems if you want. It was cool to discover a striking line i had never seen before only 15min from Cuisiniere, ok it was a 14m slopey 7a traverse so not everyones cup of tea! but still an awesome line.
I hope you have been entertained reading about my trip. With luck there will be more to follow ......... watch this space ........
Thanks Andy, Stew & Sam, Ramon, Matt, Lucasz, Pti, Dennis, Marcus, Pavel, Nick, Charley, Paul, Andre, Pete, Caroline & Eden, Richard.
Rob Adie, Anne Arran.
Patrice, Helen, Lohann & Allyn.
Fontainebleau highlights: (well basically, all-lights!) .... Festin de Pierre, Angle Bens, Retour Aux Sources, Zen, La Memel, El Poussif, Bioethique, L'abattoire, Les Monos, Belle Gueule, Iceberg. Most of these were ticked thanks to beta from Paul and then ticked faster by Pete!
Lowlights: Excalibur, Breaking my camera (lens?), L'impasse du Hasard, Weeks of weak skin, Gargantoit (assis), Red 1 at Roche aux Sabot!! 6a my sandy arse
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